Policy: Official Student Communication (2.15)

See PDF copy of this policy.

See 过程 that aligns with the Policy

开云体育登录入口 assigned student e-mail accounts shall be the primary means of communicating with students. The College also retains the right to send official correspondence via traditional methods.


第1部分. 实现

All students enrolled in credit bearing coursework will be assigned an official 开云体育登录入口 e-mail account.  Official college communication shall be sent to this student e-mail account, 包括, 但不限于, campus emergency announcements (closures, 延迟, 疏散), notification of college-related activities (plays, 音乐会, 学生活动, 体育赛事, 等.) and actions (notification of probation, suspension, disciplinary action, 等.).


第2部分. 学生的义务

实现 of this student e-mail policy places certain obligations on each student.

  • Students understand they have been given a college e-mail account by virtue of attending 开云体育登录入口.
  • Students shall adhere to proper and appropriate use of e-mail in accordance with 开云体育登录入口 Student Conduct Policy 3.6.
  • Students shall responsibly manage their e-mail account on a frequent and consistent basis (i.e. archiving attachments, deleting old messages, 等.).
  • Students understand that the College will have to supplement electronic communication with traditional mail.


第3部分. 大学的义务

实现 of this student e-mail policy places certain obligations on the College and employees.

  • The College will never lease or sell a student e-mail address to any advertisers and will take a pro-active approach to blocking unsolicited-bulk e-mail messages that could clutter a student’s e-mail account.
  • The College will provide access to computers with Internet capabilities on campus (e.g. open computer labs, LTC lab, Cyber Café, 等.).


第4部分. Forwarding of e-mail

The college will not automatically send or forward e-mail message to non-college accounts.  Having e-mail lost because of forwarding does not absolve a student from the responsibilities associated with communication sent to his or her official college e-mail address.  The College is not responsible for handling of e-mail by outside vendors or unofficial services.


第5部分. Course-related use of e-mail

Faculty may use a student’s official college e-mail as a valid mechanism for communicating with a student, and faculty may use e-mail for communicating with students registered in their classes.


第6部分. 过程

Persons wishing to send an e-mail broadcast message to student e-mail accounts shall submit their request to the Chief Student Affairs Officer or designee.  To ensure that the message goes out in a timely manner it is essential that the person requesting to send a broadcast forward their request at least ten days in advance.  See 开云体育登录入口 过程 2.15.1.


第7部分. 电子邮件私隐

开云体育登录入口 uses various methods to protect the security of its computer and network resources and of its users’ accounts.  Users should be aware that any electronic communications and data utilizing College-owned computer and network resources may be disclosed under the College, 状态, and federal laws and regulations or for appropriate college business needs.


Date of 实现: Immediately
Date of Adoption: July 22, 2003
Revisions Adopted: 2/28/17